Case Studies
Over the past ten years, we have conducted scores of projects as a sole source contractor or supplied survey task outsource services as needed. Our office infrastructure can comfortably process response spikes of 100,000 surveys per week while still maintaining tight organization on even the smallest of projects running at the same time. Listed below are examples of completed projects by type:
Project Resume - Customer Satisfaction
Mill City Marketing
"Polaris Industries – 2000 Snowmobile Satisfaction Survey"
"Polaris Industries – 2000 ATV Satisfaction Survey"
"Polaris Industries – 2000 Victory Motorcycle Survey"
DISC worked as an outsource survey task supplier for Mill City Marketing on this extensive project that included competitor purchase evaluations.
- Large project management and administration
- Surveying by mail over 75,000 riders statewide, nationally and internationally
- Supplied complete printing, mail and data capture services
- Very high data quality criteria
- Both choice field data capture and opinion field data capture
- Extremely fast turn times required on a high number of complex, rider and machine-specific survey instruments
- ATV new purchases stratified and mailed monthly
- Complex response tracking and monthly data reporting
- 4 and 6 page survey booklets with 220 maximum fields per survey record
- Provided a local PO Box for postage paid returns
New Mexico Department of Game and Fish
"2003 Lesser Prairie-chicken Public Opinion Poll"
"2004 Sandhill Crane Public Opinion Poll"
While the term "constituent" may be more accurate than "customer" for wildlife
agencies, careful assessment of constituent satisfaction levels with game and fish policy and management are none the less of critical importance to the strategic planning so necessary in wildlife management.
- Complex data capture via scanned survey instrument
- The sample design required a precise mailing list acquisition
- Survey instrument design-print-mail
- Extensive sample design that incorporated four sub-samples in both surveys
- Extensive license data cleaning
- Developed Internet response options
- Data analysis reporting
- Provided a local (NM) PO Box for postage paid returns
Sunray Printing Solutions
2005 Customer Satisfaction Survey
DISC researchers designed an in-depth, online customer satisfaction survey that was tailored specifically to the printing industry. The Sunray customers were notified by email with a link to the survey in the body of the email. The survey employed branching logic so that customers were asked only about the services they actually purchased from Sunray. The project featured:
- Personalized email survey notifications to the customer base. For those customers for whom no email address information is available, DISC mails personalized postcard notifications.
- Reminder emails (postcards) are sent to nonresponders (typically one reminder is sent unless more are requested)
- The custom online survey is located at:
- Thorough, easy to read and understand response analysis reporting that includes:
- Survey overview gives you a project description and guide to effectively understanding the results report’s findings
- Key findings summary written in easy to understand language
- Satisfaction summary radar graphs are a unique and effective visual summary and satisfaction level breakdown of each key area of survey investigation
- A comparative satisfaction summary radar graph that plots the current year against your last year’s summary scores when the survey is a follow-up to a previously run survey. This critical summary provides an easy to interpret “cause and effect” performance evaluation as to the effectiveness of the efforts that were made in the previous year to improve in the areas identified as needing attention in an earlier survey.
- Sales rep and Customer service rep summary radar graphs are a unique and effective visual summary of the ratings given to your Sales reps and CSR’s by their accounts. You will also see in each key area of survey investigation how these individuals performance compares with their co-workers in the same positions, positions that are such a vital key to your operation
- Individual question tabulations, corresponding bar charts, and ranking tables
- A complete Comments tabulation from each survey question that requests further comment or suggestion information
- Color laser printed and bound report is mailed to you in approximately five weeks from start of your survey project and includes an electronic version on CDR